Next-gen Military Training ABITS is a cooperative development project coordinated by Guardiaris together with Viewpointsystem, and Smartex, co-funded by the European Defence Fund. Its aim is to create an indoor training solution with integrated data-driven performance indicators. This training-simulation loop will gather data from physiological sensors, assess trainee well-being through performance quantification, and provide analytics. It will capture and quantify a trainee's psychophysical state, such as attention, stress, and cognitive load, using non-invasive physiological sensors integrated within the training and simulation environment.
Guardiaris plays a key role in the project, designing, prototyping, and testing the equipment used in military training. With the aim of enhancing readiness and performance of EU forces, the consortium designed and tested non-invasive wearable sensors to monitor vital signs and cognitive load during training, then leveraging real-time monitoring and AI-driven data fusion to dynamically adapt the scenarios based on trainee wellbeing.
The sensors tracked eye movement, heart rate, galvanic skin reactions, breathing frequency, and blood oxygen levels. This monitoring with 360-degree performance evaluation based on grading and ranking using newly developed combined KPI metrics allows for matching soldiers to the most suitable weapon system based on their physiological reactions, optimizing their performance and, ultimately, their survivability on the battlefield.